About us
Little Giants has over 10 years of experience in child care, serving the North York area. We first started as a small home childcare in 2011 and expanded into a licensed centre in 2019. We are proudly a Canadian female-owned and privately operated centre.
"They may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel."
– Carl Buechner
We offer high quality and responsive childcare service to meet the needs and demands of families within our diverse community. Currently, we are offering part time/half day nursery programs (less than 6 hours) and full day programs serving children18 months to 6 years old. We also offer before and after school programs to our nearby schools as well as summer camps.
We are proud to announce that CWELCC is now available in both of our centres.

Our Programs and Philosophies
Our programs follow a combination of a proven successful play-based (emergent) and teacher-led (Montessori) philosophies. They are carefully balanced and planned to support each child’s interests and developmental needs. We are also inline with Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Year: How Does Learning Happen? And Early Learning For Every Child Today.
Understanding early childhood sets the foundation for later years, we are committed to the well-being of every child in our care. We make sure each child feels loved, valued and respected by teaching, demonstrating the core values and principles in life so they can shine as bright as they can and be the light for others. We believe no one is too little to do great things.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support families by providing a safe, healthy, stimulating, nurturing as well as an inclusive and diverse environment for children while meeting the individual needs and respecting individualities.
Our Vision
Our vision is to equip children with strong moral values and characters who are able to practice self-reflection and resilience to become leaders of their generation, create a positive impact within their families and communities, and make the world a better place - no matter how young.