Our programs follow a combination of a proven successful play-based (emergent) and teacher-led (Montessori) philosophies. They are carefully balanced and planned to support each child’s interests and developmental needs. We are also inline with Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Year: How Does Learning Happen? And Early Learning For Every Child Today.
By observing children's interests, our experienced educators carefully implement learning opportunities into the children's daily activities to create an environment where we can maximize the children's learning. They are also readily available to support, extent, expand, and open new inquires for the children during their play and explorations. Each activity reflects the children's current interests and follows the continuum of development from Early Learning for Every Child Today.
​At Little Giants, we are always co-learning with children. We see them as individuals who are competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential. By working together with parents, and community partners, we help them to connect to the world around them. To achieve these goals, we encourage open communication, participation, and value constructive feedback from all our partners, caregivers and community partners.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and
I remember. Involve me and I learn"
-Benjamin Franklin