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Parenting Service:

Ever feel like you have to shout, use threats and bribery in order to get your child to do something you have asked for? Everyday seems like a power struggle and you are on the losing end. You eventually give in to their demands in exchange for some peace and you are hoping that it is 'just a phrase' and they will 'grow out of it'. Unfortunately, many unwanted behaviours would not just disappear as a child gets older. They simply get covered up by other challenges which get harder to tackle later on.
We help parents to:
identify if the behaviour is inline with their developmental path,
understand different parenting styles and the pros and cons for each,
be familiar with techniques in handling conflicts with a child,
set realistic expectations,
develop reachable goals,
understand their legal limits and obligations, and
arrange referrals and make recommendation for professional assessments if needed.
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